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Project We Remember


Over the years, we have been involved in several hundred different projects with our tables and chairs. Some of them we remember as particularly exciting and educational. Sometimes because we had to use all our skills developed over more than 75 years to solve the task. Sometimes because we were part of really big and high-profile projects.
What they had in common was that they were challenging and educational. Through the projects, we became a little wiser, more knowledgeable, and usually very proud.
Here we tell the story of three of these educational projects, hoping to share our experience and the challenges they presented.

Baggeboskolan-027 Baggeboskolan-112

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Baggeboskolan 2019

When a new school, Baggeboskolan, was built, we became the main supplier of tables to this school. The school, which was named Building of the Year 2021, wanted furniture with a large element of wood and natural materials, which suits us well. Together with the school's employees, project managers, and NCC, we created custom-made tables for the school's various environments. Everything from teacher rooms to the school's restaurant. To achieve this, it placed great demands on our ability to adapt sizes, surfaces, and other requests while the furniture should function in the tough environment that a school is.
The school and its interior attract many visitors to be inspired and learn how they went about it. We ourselves are very proud to have been a part of it!

arko grande produktion Arko Grande 700 x 120 h 73, beskuren

Thinking Outside the Box

Värmlands Museum

"I want a cone-shaped meeting table that can accommodate 24 conference chairs," said the interior designer to me. This meant a table that would be almost 7.5 meters long, 1.6 meters wide at one end, and 1 meter at the other. It should also be completely stable and made entirely of wood. To fulfill these requirements, we used our standard table ARKO, which we customized specifically for this project.
The end result, after many hours at the drawing board and together with our skilled furniture makers, can now be seen in the meeting room at Värmlands Museum in Karlstad. If you don't come to Karlstad, you can see this table's offspring in ARKO GRANDE

stol svenskt tenn

The Tribute!

Estrid Eriksson's School

Estrid Ericson is from Hjo in Skaraborg but is best known as the woman who founded Svenskt Tenn. In her memory, we were commissioned by SAJKLA to recondition 40 old worn chairs made of yellowed birch. The chairs were washed, sanded, and stabilized. Damages and scratches were smoothed out, and finally, the chairs were given a new coat of paint with 0.5% white pigment, which gave them a beautiful freshness. As the icing on the cake, they were then dressed in a beautiful fabric that Estrid designed the pattern for in the 1930s and is called Elephant.
Now they adorn the teacher's room at Estrid's school in Hjo!

Price: 1,715 SEK excluding VAT and fabric
CO2 savings: 120 kg


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