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Reuse in projects

Advice and keys from Sajkla, specialist in reuse in public environments

Sajkla is run by Jenny Ekman, CEO and co-founder, since 2019. Sajkla was spun off after the project Möbelbruket, which is funded by the Västra Götaland Region and operated by IDC West Sweden AB. Jenny Ekman is also leading that project.

A lot of knowledge has been gathered over the years. At Lundbergs Möbler, we want to help spread this knowledge because it is important to us that the market wants and can refurbish and reuse our tables in the future. Therefore, on September 15th, we invited Sajkla to a webinar. In this webinar, Sajkla shared their experiences, advice, and keys to get started with reuse in projects. In this article, you can learn more about it.

Advice 1:


Present Price and

CO2 Savings Side by Side.

  1. Present the price and CO2 savings side by side so that the choice and its effects are clear. Choose images of different furniture made of different materials such as wood, metal, and upholstery. Show how others have chosen to update them to showcase the possibilities with existing furniture. Inform that the furniture industry updates furniture regardless of the manufacturer, so they become like new. Warranties are provided for 3 years on the work carried out.
  2. Talk about the raw material in furniture as the foundation for new furniture.

To find prices, savings, and before-after images, visit Sajkla's platform.

Advice 2:

Work according to the Reverse Procurement Pyramid.

Advice 3:

Inventory early in the project.

A basic and good inventory saves a lot of time throughout the process and provides a good basis for obtaining prices for refurbishment. Use Sajkla's app! An inventory also becomes a tool for the customer to get an overview of the furniture, the architect gets a basis for which furniture can be used, and the supplier who will carry out the refurbishment will be able to assess if and how it can be done.

  • Let the organization inventory. They usually know where the furniture is located.
  • Do not let prejudices about the condition and appearance of the furniture take over too early in the process. Inventory all furniture.
  • Focus on the volumes and get help to find out what can be done with the furniture.


Advice 4:

Carry out a test furniture

  1. Focus on furniture types with a high volume of the same model.
  2. Choose new applied materials and order a test.
  3. Order the test early in the project so that you have time to communicate the possibilities.
  4. The result provides answers to what can be done with the furniture, the price of the entire volume, and the opportunity to adjust color and fabric.
  • A sample piece of furniture can be a tool to show uncertain parties how an old piece of furniture can be like new again.

Advice 5: Quality furniture. Compare apples to apples.

Quality furniture should be compared to quality furniture.

  • A quality piece of furniture that can be disassembled has many lives.
  • A piece of furniture made of poor materials that cannot be disassembled has only one life. The material with the shortest life on the furniture determines its lifespan.
Image Nesso koppla Nesso bildspel 1

Disassembly should be easy, with common tools. Different types of materials should be distinguishable. Reassembly should be possible while maintaining the functionality of the furniture.

The image shows the table Nesso assembled and disassembled in different materials. This is our principle at Lundbergs Möbler, this is how we build tables. Tables that can circulate.


  1. Build the project team and set clear goals.
  2. Do not let prejudices about what is possible with "old" furniture take over. Conduct tests.
  3. Aim for industrial refurbishment through the furniture industry for quality.
  4. Volume lowers the unit price and competes with new production.
  5. Perform a climate calculation.
  6. Tell about the project.

Do you want to learn more?

 Visit Sajkla's platform or contact Jenny Ekman for more information.

If you have any questions about this webinar, feel free to contact us!


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